InkSmith 3D Printing & Design Thinking Learn From Home Lesson

The InkSmith team hopes that everyone is staying safe and healthy at home during these challenging times. We understand that for educators, preparing engaging activities and lesson plans for students at home is not an easy task. In an effort to assist educators with their lesson planning in the coming weeks, we want to provide some 3D modeling mini lessons that can be completed at home. 

Below you'll find a set of slides for 5 x 3D Modeling Mini-lessons, available in both English and French. Each set of slides contains a design challenge, user persona, design thinking framework, and presentation guidelines. 

The goal behind each mini lesson is to have students brainstorm an idea for the problem they've been given and then 3D model a solution using Tinkercad. While we understand that actually 3D printing solutions may be difficult while learning from home, so the testing phase of the design thinking process may require some adaptations. Perhaps students could review each other's 3D models and brainstorm the effectiveness and rigidity of the design.

Accessing Tinkercad
Tinkercad is an online 3D modeling software free for students and educators. In order to use Tinkercad you will need to create a user account. If having students create their own accounts is not ideal, we would recommend educators make one account and share it with students. Tinkercad does not limit the number of users on an account at one time. To keep everyone's designs organized, have students rename their design file with their names.

FREE Learn From Home Content: 3D Modelling Mini-Lessons

Design Thinking with 3D Printing Mini Lesson Series

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InkSmith 3D Modeling & Design Thinking Learn From Home Content