Businesses turn to technology for quicker, easier, and more affordable ways to get results. You might be surprised to learn that 3D printing has many interesting use cases in all sorts of industries. Here are some of our favourites.

1. Advanced Manufacturing: The Canadian Shield

During the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, the team at InkSmith and The Canadian Shield began using our 3D printers in advanced manufacturing to create face shields for Healthcare workers. We covered our pandemic pivot in a separate blog.  

2. Aerospace: Boeing

Boeing uses 3D printing to manufacture metal and polymer parts for airplanes, satellites, and spacecraft, along with factory tools.

Print this cool project on Thingiverse!

3. Architecture: Concr3de Notre Dame

When the Notre Dame Cathedral in France burned down, a piece of history was lost forever. Or was it? 3D Printing company Concr3de has proposed to rebuild the Cathedral using the original materials.

Print a mini version of the Notre Dame Cathedral on Thingiverse!

4. Automotive: Divergent3D Blade Concept Car

Divergent3D uses 3D printing and additive manufacturing to design and manufacture innovative car models. One model, The Blade, even caught the attention of former TV host Jay Leno. 

Print your own RC Car on Thingiverse!

5. Beauty & Cosmetics: Chanel

Leading cosmetics company Chanel created the first ever 3D printed mascara brush. The layered process of 3D printing allowed Chanel to create a unique honeycomb structure inside the brush to apply the correct amount of mascara.

Print yourself a makeup organizer!

6. Construction: Dubai Future Federation

In 2016, the Dubai Future Foundation built its Office of the Future via 3D printing. The 2,700-square foot building was printed in just 17 days and is fully functioning.

Print your own version of Hogwarts Castle from Harry Potter!

7. Dentistry: EnvisionTec

EnvisionTec uses 3D printing to create custom-fit dentures, crowns, and other dental appliances. Dentists can now buy their own 3D printers and complete the prints right in their office!

Check out this cool Assistive Toothbrush!

8. Education: InkSmith

Technology and future-focused learning is shaping the next generation. Innovative educators are using 3D printing to help their students learn about subjects like science, history, geography, and more. 3D printing is a fun way for different types of learners to collaborate and consolidate their learning.

Print this cool 3D version of a cell structure!

9. Footwear: Adidas

Adidas uses 3D printing to create lightweight, comfortable midsoles for their shoes. This is a great example that 3D printing can be used to produce effective solutions for even the largest of companies.

Print this cool Nike keychain!

10. Healthcare/Medical: Explaining the Future

3D printing can be used for a wide range of applications in the medical industry. Check out the video above  for an overview of the various ways 3D printing is used in medicine today!

Check out this cool 3D printed anatomical heart on Thingiverse!